Leader-Member Exchange and Its Impact on Relationship Conflict: A Generational Study

Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Management, Economics and Humanities

Year: 2022



Leader-Member Exchange and Its Impact on Relationship Conflict: A Generational Study

Ruchika Yadav and Dr.Sushama Chaudhari



Workplaces of the 21st century are age diverse wherein employees belonging to different generational groups are working together- from experienced Baby Boomers to the new-bees, Gen Z. As the age diversity in the organizations increase, it becomes important for researchers as well as practitioners to understand the effects of multigenerational workforce, teams and dyads. Prior research has also established that there are higher chances of conflict in an age-diverse team, and more so in an intergenerational superior-subordinate dyad. Hence, drawing on Leader Member Exchange theory (LMX), in this paper we examine the relationship between quality of LMX dyad (superior-subordinate dyadic relationship) and its impact on relationship conflict for Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z employees. We also examine if the said relationship differs for an intergenerational LMX dyad. Scope of the research is limited to examining the relationship between quality of LMX dyad and relationship conflict from subordinate’s perspective. Data were collected from 224 working professionals belonging to four generational groups- Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z, and were analyzed using SPSS version 24. Current research has extended the body of knowledge as well as filled the literature gap by providing insights on impact of LMX on relationship conflict in intergenerational dyads.

keywords: Gen X; Gen Y; Gen Z; LMX; Vertical Dyad.