Power BI and Time Series in Budget Management of Business Support Services for a Large Brazilian Company

Proceedings of ‏The 11th International Conference on Research in Engineering, Science & Technology

Year: 2021

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/11th.restconf.2021.03.30

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Power BI and Time Series in Budget Management of Business Support Services for a Large Brazilian Company

Geraldo Batista da Silva, Allan César Silva, Priscila Paloma Malta de Medeiros Coelho, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Igor Júlio Pimenta, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza, Vladmir Alexei Rodrigues Rocha



The strategic use of data is one of the prerogatives of a company’s wealth. This premise is true, especially in large companies and in critical periods, as in the pandemic of COVID-19, where each decision is crucial for the organization. Thus, this research demonstrates the case study of a data analysis, with the Power BI® tool, focused on the budget management of business support services of a large Brazilian company. Information demands, the allocation of relevant data, forms of connection between datasets that could generate relevant information were analyzed. Relevant issues presented themselves as hindering the process, demanding strategies for resolution, such as: non-standardized reports; reporting errors; integrations; external reports; access restrictions. In summary the results obtained were as: an objective analysis methodology, compatible with Enterprise Relationship Planning (ERP) tools available on the market, with results in .xls, .xlsx and .csv formats; the diagnosis of an optimized control of 3.2 million Brazilian reais for the company under study, showing savings of up to 354.59 thousand Brazilian reais; a trend analysis, based on time series (ARIMA) was carried out, in order to demonstrate viability and directions to the business, with millions of reais to be managed and invested, with a prediction between 3 to 6 months.

Keywords: Business Support Services; Business Intelligence; Power BI®; ARIMA; Decision Making.