Disparities in human capital and innovativeness of Polish regions – reasons and challenges for the future

Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on New Ideas in Management, Economics and Accounting

Year: 2022



Disparities in human capital and innovativeness of Polish regions – reasons and challenges for the future

Maciej Jagódka



This paper proposes a new approach for assessing the regional disparities. Main findings are that the biggest driver of different pace growth in regions are human capital and innovativeness and public policy should focus on increasing human capital especially in less developed regions. Authors open a dialogue about the model of socio-economic growth. The growth model must answer the question of what level of inequality we as a people are able to accept. Overcoming regional disparities is crucial to economic stability and cohesion. First challenge here is human capital. The region’s human capital is the knowledge, skills, experience, vital energy, and individuals’ attributes with economic value to society, present at the local level. The research (1) assesses the state of human capital and innovation in the context of regional disparities, (2) determines the pace of development and adjustment processes by using the dynamic time warping method, (3) argue that the development model supporting large cities and metropolises has increased dispersion within human capital and innovation, which has contributed to increasing regional disparities in Poland, (4) discovers human capital is not fully utilized in creation of innovativeness.

keywords: regional disparities, historical and geographical accumulation, human capital; innovativeness, sustainable growth, socio-economic growth