HIV/AIDS Prevalence as a Challenge for Sustainable Development: The Sub-Saharan Africa Experience

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance

Year: 2020


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HIV/AIDS Prevalence as a Challenge for Sustainable Development: The Sub-Saharan Africa Experience

Jamiu Adetola. Odugbesan and Husam Rjoub



The study examined the sustainable development challenges from the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) perspective. Variables such as adjusted net saving (ANS) was employed as a proxy for sustainable development, while HIV/AIDS prevalence, human capital index, and good governance were employed as determinants factors for sustainable development. In the study, yearly data from 1990 to 2017 that was sourced from World Bank indicator, World Governance indicator, and Pen World Table were utilized and panel ARDL was employed for the analysis. The findings from the study reveal that there is a long-run causal relationship running from HIV/AIDS prevalence, human capital index, and good governance to sustainable development. The study in conclusion suggests that the region should intensify more efforts in ameliorating the prevalence of HIV/AIDS epidemic that has been ravaging the region. Also, the human capital potential should be harnessed, so as to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. Moreover, the achievement of sustainable development in SSA region will be a mirage if the government of the countries within the region failed to improve on the governance.

Keywords: Sustainable development, Human capital, Good governance, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).